A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
| I know how you feel, I am experiencing the same problems and my boss has taken false information to the licensing body. My union is looking into it, and I know it will not go anywhere but in the mean time I am stressed. Talk with your union, talk with HR, talk with her boss. Document, document, keep a diary daily of all occurrences. A previous manager in our facility was fired for exactly what you are grieving. Keep faith, I now it is hard. I don't understand with the shortage of health care workers why bosses can get away with crap. However, it is in your favor if she has already been found at fault. Report her again. Have a great day.
A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
| I am sorry for the trouble that you had with your Boss. Remember that it is not your own problem that you must worry about but rather, it was your Boss'. You are just trying to be more transparent and truthful of the facts of the case surrounding your work environment which your Boss is not being attentive and concerned. It made you feel neglected unfair and biased and at times very depressing, in turn you experienced physical and mental problems that affected your life. Your Boss is not aware of these other human factors which are commonly related to a worker's well being caused by the Boss'own failures. By perspective, the Company has their own Policy. And by definition, the Manager or Boss must attend to employees' concerns ie: the health and safety of their employees is the number one priority. I do not know what led to your Boss' personal conflict or dispute with his/her employees. But, I hope that I have shared some good advice that may help you in your current situation.