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Hiring and firing left right and centre, is workplace bullying
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Workplace Bullying and need some advice.


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This is the original problem from an employee...
I am going to chose Workplace Bullying as the category but because of it other problems occur.

We work in retail broken into different departments, in our department there are 10 of us including the department manager, as a person this manager is a great guy, he jokes around and likes to have a good laugh and have fun but when he is manager he is different which is to be expected. However, he changes completely, we can do nothing right, we don't work when he isn't there, we don't get sales when he isn't there, things only go right when he is around. He talks about all of us to the other employees, we have one man, who is older and this poor man really does nothing right. Manager doesn't come right out and say any of us are stupid or useless but he certainly makes us feel it.

It is so hard to explain because he does follow company policies like he is supposed to but sometimes we feel like he is going over board, trying to make a name for himself. I have worked at this place for 21 years and have never had a problem with any of the managers, and there have been a few, now this guy has been here for 2 years or so and all of a sudden I feel like everything I do is wrong because of the way he goes on. One Sunday we were working, there were 3 of us there all day and one there for 4 hours in the morning(he is new and still learning), our shelves were as empty as they could be so we had to fill the shelves with all the regular stuff and then get to the specials plus change some cases for Thanksgiving. One guy had to receive the order which he always does on Sunday but because someone else called in sick this guy had to do another job. Needless to say the job didn't get done as well as it should have, when Monday rolled around in comes manager and starts practically throwing things around and letting us know we did wrong again. As a matter of fact when I wasn't there he asked if we had a party on Sunday because so little was done.

This type of thing goes on all the time and everyone is getting really fed up with his attitude but we won't go the the store manager because we have been told at different times by different people he doesn't want to hear it. Oh and once we tried talking to manager and everyone was getting upset and all kinds of things were coming out and for days on end he kept saying to me "I didn't think you would do that to me", that's another problem he has, he keeps bringing things up long after thay have happened, he can't let anything go. Or if he knew I was writing this he would say to everyone and anyone "Yup, I can't seem to do anything right, I guess everything I do is wrong" but in a very sarcastic way and he won't let it drop. But because of his behaviour and attitude nobody wants to work anymore, the morale is so low it's sad.

He hires and fires left, right and centre, nobody wants to work in our department because they don't know how long they will be there.
Sorry for rambling, I just hope this all makes sense.  
Employee: Brika
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