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fired from not removing gum under tables while people are eating
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This is the original problem from an employee...
I was fired for not scraping gum from under the tables. There were a lot of people eating in the dining area and i thought it was gross to do while people were eating so i told the manager it wasn't a good time and she said if i didn't do it i was fired and to go home. I thought that was unfair to get fired for that especially after being there for 4 years and never had a problem with anything and to get fired for that just out of the blue, i was shock and mad. I also heard that that was illegal or a health violation to do that task during business hours because what customer wants to see an employee right next to them scraping gum. I would be gross out. Now im trying to get unemployment. Does anyone know if i would be able to get unemployment for being fired for that.  
Employee: erika8302
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A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
You should be able to as long as you were fired to no fault of your own and if they failed to give you warnings, proper notice, or give you severance pay in place of the notice. If this is recent, and you still don't have a job, you should seek legal advice and try to get your previous employer to compensate you.
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Disclaimer: The advice displayed within this site is not legal advice and is not to be taken as legal or professional advice in any way. Any communication within this forum is intended only to discuss a number of possible options. All ratings have come from site visitors and reflect a peer review only.


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