I am an account manager for a large company. I have struggled the last couple of weeks getting sales. My sales manager was asked to go out and watch me and offer his advice. Instead, he took control, closed the previous customer, and kept the account for his own quota. Meanwhile, I am on the hot-seat because the owner of the company says I am not meeting my quota. My sales manager said he had to keep the account because the client asked him to. I am sure he's lying. The sales manager also said that my customer service skills are probably lacking. He said this customer needs to be taken very well care of. I am 15 years older than he is and have been in the business for 28 years without any customer service problems. He is the owner's right hand man, has worked for him for 5 years, and is very well liked by him. I just started right after Christmas. I don't know how to handle this, but he should be stopped. Stealing is unethical! Who knows how many times he gotten away with this! I don't want to get fired for not meeting my quota, either. |