I am an intern in wealth management at one of the big banks. To make a long story short, my boss is a controlling and manipulative +20 years my senior creepy man who discreetly (is smart enough to not be overt) hits on me all the time. Not only that, but he is jealous because I have a lot of money.
Since I work for an investment firm I am unable to open an account at another firm due to SEC rules. However, I want to open a trading account. I talked with the operations manager and he said I could just open it under my boss. So not only would my boss get to see what trades I make and how much I invest, he would get a commission. For example, my boss knows that I have a lot of a particular stock. One day it was down a significant amount and he kept bringing it up, almost rubbing it in my face.
What can/should I do about this?
I think it is a conflict of interest that my primary supervisor also see into my account and activity. I am not cracking open my piggy bank, I have serious money to invest and I take it seriously.
He is a very weak person and will be offended if I select another broker to have it under.
The main (and only) HR manager is an absolute b*tch to me because I am young and cute and she is old, ugly and single. It's not like I can trust her.
I do not want to offend my boss, expose my personal life/decisions, or deprive myself of making some significant gains/trades in this market.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to handle this situation. Thank you for any and all advice. |