In the thread linked to above, a career counselor advised an overworked employee to ask the boss for suggestions on lowering the number of hours that he/she works. Does anyone have any suggestions for an overworked employee who feels as though speaking to the boss is unlikely to result in a decrease in workload due to a company's existing obligations to its clients?
I have brought up my situation with the boss as well as in project meetings, but the company simply will not (or cannot) push back deadlines so that my work can be performed within a reasonable time frame. The result is that mistakes are made and that I find it increasingly difficult to focus on work at all in the face of impossible deadlines. There is discussion of hiring another employee to assist me, but that has not yet happened. I brought up this issue in my review, in project meetings, and in an e-mail message, so it is as well documented as it can be without making it seem as though I am whining. I have worked nearly every weekend and every evening since November and now, in February, I feel as though I am at the end of my rope.
In short, my question is as follows: "What can one do when talking to the boss fails?"